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Nicolas Stettler
Nature Photography

About Nicolas Stettler

Welcome to my photography website!

I'm glad that you found your way to my website. You like animals and especially birds? You enjoy being out in nature. You like to nature photography yourself. Be it the colorful red-crested pochard, the majestic bearded vulture or the curious blue tit, I'm sure there's something for you.

I hope you enjoy your visit!

You want to learn more about bird photography? You want to photograph birds yourself, but you don't know how to start? You have a camera but you don't know what settings you should use? I have written a detailed article in which I explain all important things like camera settings, light, composition and how to set the camera. Starting from this year I also teach my knowledge in one-to-one workshps. Learn more about my workshops in my offers tab.


Birds of Switzerland

Look at the images I made of various species I made or learn more about their behaviour, where to find them and how you can photograph them as well!


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Nicolas Stettler

Weyernweg 27

2560 Nidau

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