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Wildlife photography at Lake Neusiedl | Lake Neusiedl part 1

In the summer holidays I spent a week at the Neusiedlersee. Lake Neusiedl is only about 50 km south of Vienna and with 320 km2 it is the largest lake without an in- or outflow in Central Europe. More than half of the lake area is covered with reeds. Together with several salt lakes and extensive grassland, Lake Neusiedl is an extremely interesting area for wildlife photographers and birders with an enormous variety of species.

1/500 | f/ 6.3 | ISO 2200 | 600mm

Already during the first short exploration tour by bike, I could observe numerous Red-backed Shrikes, Crested Larks and even several Red-footed Falcons. Unfortunately, the light was not optimal and so I went to bed quite early. The next morning the alarm clock already set off at 4.30 am. Still a bit tired I got on my bike and drove to the nearest meadows. Just as the sun slowly rose above the horizon I discovered a group of wild rabbits. The contours were wonderfully illuminated by the rising sun in the back.

1/200 | f/ 6.3 | ISO 64 | 600mm

1/320 | f/ 6.3 | ISO 64 | 600mm

I could hardly believe my luck when a crested lark landed in front of me on the cycle path a few minutes later. It was looking for food between the road and the cycle path. At a distance of about 15m I laid down on the ground and hoped that the lark would pass me by. Fortunately the lark decided to walk in my direction. The sun was still very low on the horizon and so I could get a similar picture again and so at 5.20 am I was already more than satisfied with my yield.

In a distant meadow I could make out a red-backed shrike. Luckily it wasn’t very shy and so I could watch him hunt for several minutes. This gave me the chance to take pictures of the red-backed shrike on different perches and in different light situations.

1/800 | f/ 6.3 | ISO 160 | 600mm

A pair of blood linnets on a parking lot made the morning even sweeter. They were a bit more shy, but a hedge provided me with the necessary cover to be able to reach ‘photo distance'.
Around 7 o'clock the light became already too harsh. I packed my camera and with a full memory card I drove back to the accommodation...

1/1000 | f/ 6.3 | ISO 560 | 600mm

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Nicolas Stettler

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